The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – July 15, 2004

Another bloody day in Iraq as insurgents set off a car bomb in a western
City – the most deadly of several attacks today… .Guerilla fighters also
sabotage two oil pipelines and kill an oil company security officer

An out-of-court settlement between Clear Channel Communications and an
anti-war group in a fight over a billboard in New York’s Times Square during
the Republican Convention

190 members of congress write a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridge insisting he stop any plans to postpone the November elections

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hears that the presidential election in
Florida may be another debacle like the one four years ago.. .it wants a
Justice Department investigation

The U.S. Senate approves a 12 billion dollar buyout of tobacco growers .. .the
measure gives the food and drug administration power to regulate cigarettes

The first meeting of a state committee set up to deal with climate change

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