The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – November 5, 2004

The U.S. military readies its assault on the Iraq city of Fallujah,
with the most intense air strikes in months. …U.S troops have cut the roads
to the city and have told women and children to get out …some 10-thousand
American soldiers have massed for the attack

George W. Bush claims the last state of the 2004 presidential election:
Iowa, which hadn’t voted for a Republican in 22 years.. .Bush finishes with
286 electoral votes, John Kerry with 252

Photographic and scientific evidence that Bush was wired during the debates
— The New York Times killed the story and the Washington Post and Los
Angeles times declined to pursue it

French doctors say Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is clinging to
life. ..some Arafat aides say he’s on respirator and in critical condition

They are counting votes again in San Francisco in the supervisors races but
final results aren’t expected for three weeks…

Former San Francisco supervisor — and assessor and police chief and
sheriff — Richard Hongisto has died at the age of 67.

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