The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – March 31, 2005

A blunt report from a presidential commission: U.S. intelligence on Iraq was dead wrong, dealing a blow to American credibility that will take years to undo…..on top of that the commission concludes the U.S. knows little about weapons programs in countries like Iran and North Korea

Unanimous approval for Paul Wolfowitz to be the new president of the World Bank but president Bush’s controversial nomination of John Bolton to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations may be in trouble

Hundreds of demonstrators in scores of cities across the country in opposition to president Bush’s attempt to privatize social security, and in San Francisco hundreds rally outside the headquarters of Charles Schwab, denouncing the role of stock brokerages in that attempt

Hundreds rally at San Francisco city hall on speak up for Kids Day

More opposition to Governor Schwarzennegger’s plans for a special election

Pope John Paul’s health worsens — he’s given his last rites

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