The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – July 13, 2006

Caroline hosts long-time ally John Stauber to once again illumine the shadows of Public Relations manipulation, and the selling of wars as a primary effective, treasonous undermining of democracy. We will focus on John Rendon, Master Delusionist and The Rendon Group as primary purveyors of the Iraqi war and occupation (and innumerable nefarious cruel contrivances). This is occasioned by the wacky sponsoring of John Rendon’s speech tomorrow, by Elder Stewart Brand: Stauber remarks: "Stewart, stay away from the brown acid, the brown acid is not so good! It’s a bummer people!" Once again we aspire to train civilian Compassionate Tricksters to re-awaken discrimination and clarity to talk us down from this really bad collective trip.

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