
Flashpoints – December 17, 2007

Kevin Pina back on the ground in Haiti, describes the latest situation with political prisoners and how the Lavalas party remains steadfast in its rebuilding; also, Palestine Bureau Chief Kristen Ess reports from the West Bank, as five Palestinians are killed in Israeli air strikes in Gaza while European governments pledge millions of dollars to back PA President Mahmoud Abbas and further undermine the elected Hamas leadership; plus, as fighting intensifies inside the Democratic Republic of the Congo, leaders continue to ignore the use of rape as a weapon of war, we’ll speak with a reporter on the ground about the unraveling situation there; and the Knight Report.

5:00 Play Flashpoints Theme Music:

[1:00] intro: billboard

5:01 Knight Report

[4:00] intro: self-contained

Robert Knight

5:05 Report from Haiti

[18:00] intro: self-contained

Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent

5:23 Factionalism and Bombs: Reports from Occupied Palestine

[14:00] intro: self-contained

International Middle East Media Center – www.imemc.org

Kristen Ess, Palestine Bureau Chief

5:37 Music Break

5:38 Violence Erupts in Congo; Rape becomes an Epidemic Weapon of War

[20:00] intro: self-contained

Jefferey Gettleman, New York Times Nairobi Bureau Chief

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