Cover to Cover with Jack Foley

Cover to Cover with Jack Foley – January 26, 2011

Harry Fox, Vaudevillian. The career of the man who invented “The Fox Trot” and who went from star (“Harry Fox will appear for a month or longer at a large salary with billing that will occupy the front of the theatre in electrics,” Variety, 1914”) to not-quite-zero in a matter of decades:




You were the star of an ancient serial:

Beatrice Fairfax—date: 1916.

Your co-star was a Love-Lorn column queen

Who solved the crime before the final reel.

You sang bright songs in Broadway musicals

And danced “The Fox Trot,” then took to a screen

Where you could not be heard but only seen—

Yet seen to good advantage, after all.

I wondered if you knew my father then

When both of you were names to reckon with.

He left the stage—became another man—

But you stayed on and made a life of it.

Your rising star fell soon upon the rocks.

Your life’s on this marquee: “WITH HARRY FOX.”


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