The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – June 18, 2004

An Al Qaida group in Saudi Arabia executes American hostage Paul Johnson Jr.
after the Saudi government refuses demands to release jailed Al Qaida fighters… ..hours later Saudi security forces track down and kill the leader of the group in a shoot-out

President Bush presses ahead with charges on Iraqi ties to Al Qaida in campaign speeches and e-mails despite the September 11th Commission’s conclusion that there was no collaboration

The Senate votes to increase the size of America’s military forces by 20- thousand –over the Pentagon’s objections — and to require more stringent tests on the Star Wars missile defense system

Rumors of immigrations sweeps in San Jose lead the chief of police, the Mexican consulate, and community groups to declare the city is safe from INS raids

Tenants on the federal government’s Section 8 subsidized housing program protests cuts at City Hall in Alameda.. .200 of the could be on the streets by the end of the month

Hundreds of hospital workers seeking a new labor contract with Sutter Health rally and march in San Francisco

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