LSB July 2015 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
July 11, 2015 11am-4pm
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 10 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 10 Approve Minutes 11:15 AM
5 5 Announcements 11:45 AM
7 20 General manager’s report 11:25 AM
8 20 Treasurer’s Report 12:20 PM
9 10 Break 12:40 PM
10 15 PNB report 12:50 PM
11 30 Executive session to discuss PNB report 1:05 PM
12 Convene as Delegate Assembly
15     A.  Proposed Pacifica by-laws (J. Kobren) 1:35 PM
13 Reconvene as Local Station Board
14 5 CAB report 1:50 PM
15 5 KFCF Report 1:55 PM
16 Old Business
20     A.  2015 budget surplus (A. Prichett) 2:00 PM
20     B.  Local community news & public affairs (A. Prichett) 2:20 PM
20     C.  LSB subcommittees (J. Kobren) 2:40 PM
10     D.  CAB nominations and membership (J. Kobren) 3:00 PM
17 New Business
10     A.  Feature Story News (V. Browning) 3:10 PM
15     B.  Livestreaming (A. Prichett) 3:20 PM
18 Adjourn 3:35 PM
*Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
July 11, 2015
, 11am-4:00pm
Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Craig Alderson, Virginia Browning, Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher, Mark Hernandez, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Samsarah Morgan, Andrea Prichett, Lewis Sawyer, Frank Sterling, Carole Travis, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers.
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: José Luis Fuentes, Kate Gowen, Jack Kurzweil, David Landau, Joy Moore, Kate Tanaka, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Barbara Whipperman, Quincy McCoy.

1.   Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair Carole Travis at 11:18 am.

2.   Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (C. Alderson) to excuse all absent members. Approved without objection.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved (D. Gans) to adopt agenda as drafted.

Moved (V. Browning) to move executive session from #11 to #17.5.

Moved amendment (J. Kobren) to schedule executive session for time certain, no later than 2:30. Approved: 11Y, 1N, 4A.

On motion as amended: approved: 11Y, 3N, 2A.

Agenda as amended approved by show of hands, 1N.

4.   Minutes
No minutes.

5.  Announcements
R. Withers, C. Johnson, D. Goldmacher

6.   Public comments
Daniel Borgstrom, John Parulis.

7.   General manager’s report
D. Gans read general manager’s written report. Followed by discussion.

8.   Treasurer’s report
In treasurer’s absence, business manager delivered preliminary budget report.

Moved (B. White): “Advance $65k to the PNB to pay balance for 2013 audit on the condition that the PNB agree that KPFA is repaid what it has advanced to PNB on behalf of the other Pacifica stations upon receipt of the CPB grant and before those CPB funds are used for any other purpose.” Approved: 11Y, 1N, 0A.

Moved (B. White) to meet reschedule August and September meetings to meet on fourth Saturdays.

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to change meeting of August only. Approved: 11Y, 4N.

On main motion as amended: 14Y, 1N.

M. Wilkinson volunteered to develop schedule of budget workshops to develop budget. The general manager and board members will be invited. The purpose of the workshops will be to share information and solicit budget ideas.

Moved (J. Kobren) to move CAB nominations (item 16.D) to follow CAB report. Approved without objection.

9.   PNB report
J. Kobren reported on PNB matters.

10.   Pacifica by-laws amendment
Board adjourned and reconvened at 2:11 as Delegate Assembly.

Moved (B. Whipperman) to approve proposed bylaws amendment. Approved: 15Y (C. Alderson, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, S. Morgan, A. Prichett, L. Sawyer, F. Sterling, C. Travis, B. White, M. Wilkinson); 1N (V. Browning).

Reconvened 2:21 as LSB .

11.   CAB
Moved (J. Kobren) to appoint to the CAB: Karen Nyhus, David Wallace, Duane DeJoie, Randall Huber, Merl Saunders. Approved: 12Y, 0N, 2A.

C. Wolfley delivered the CAB report.

12.   Executive session
The board moved to executive session at 2:32. It resumed public session at 2:54 and issued the following report: “On July 11, 2015, the KPFA LSB met in closed session to discuss matters related to individual employees.”

13.   KFCF
R. Withers.

14.   Old business

A.   2015 budget surplus

Moved (A. Prichett):
“That the LSB amends the 2015 budget up to $80,000 to provide for the hiring of a full time Development Director.

“The LSB develop a list of budget priorities for the 2016 budget that includes input from listeners via CAB and a report to the listeners program. (with call ins from listeners)

“Based on previous LSB resolutions, the LSB recommends the full funding of at least one FTE for the apprenticeship program and production of the Full Circle.”

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to divide the question.

On part 1 (development director), moved as substitute (J. Kobren): “That the LSB include a budget item for 2016 budget that allocates up to $80,000 for the hiring of a development director.”

Moved amendment (S. Morgan) to add, “and that the position be for two years with a possibility for renewal.” Approved: 8Y, 4N, 2A

Moved (B. Whipperman) to close debate. Failed: 7Y, 5N.

Moved as substitute to Kobren’s amended motion: “Request KPFA management to generate a cost estimate on hiring a development director and fundraising targets and benchmarks for such a position to be presented in tandem with the 2016 draft budget, along with management’s recommendation on whether to proceed with a hire.” Approved: 8Y, 5N, 1A

As main motion (i.e., part 1): Approved, 9Y, 0N, 5A

On part 2 (budget priorities): moved (J. Kobren) to close debate. Approved: 9Y, 2N, 1A. On motion: Failed: 6Y (V. Browning, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, S. Morgan, A. Prichett, F. Sterling); 8N (C. Alderson, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, C. Travis, B. White, M. Wilkinson, R. Withers)

On part 3 (Apprenticeship Program): moved (F. Sterling) to table to next meeting. Approved by show of hands, 1N.

Adjourned 4:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson